Yachtclub Biscayne Bay

Situated in the quiet side of Miami in Coconut Grove, the Biscayne Bay Yacht Club combines a decidedly casual atmosphere with serious sailing. The club’s location at the north end of Biscayne Bay often means a commute south to the race area, but no one complains when sailing in the Bay’s clear waters abundant with sea life. It’s not uncommon to see manatees quietly grazing in the mangroves lining the channels from the club out to the Bay, and see dolphins, sea turtles, and the occasional shark out on the Bay itself.

The club is also at the epicentre of numerous midwinter Olympic class activities, drawing in talent from around the world to race and train at events like the ISAF Sailing World Cup.

The atmosphere needs little further explanation. South Beach, Miami boasts truly unique, Art Deco architecture amongst the beachfront skyscrapers, azure waters, and walkways filled with joggers, skaters and walkers.


Biscayne Bay Yacht Club
2540 South Bayshore Drive
Coconut Grove
FL 33133


+305 858-6303
