
  • Four in the frame?

    Four in the frame?

    In reality there are probably four boats with a good chance of winning the first 52 SUPER SERIES regatta, Quantum Key West 2013. Tied on points are Azzurra and Rán Racing. Three out of four days so far have ended up with the top two teams on the same points, so it would not be…

  • Azzurra still hold the tie break edge

    After two more great races for the 52 SUPER SERIES at Quantum Key West 2013 the top two boats Azzurra and Rán Racing still remain tied on the same points aggregate. Alberto Roemmers’ Azzurra team which flies the colours of the Yacht Club Costa Smeralda still just hold the edge overall but on the strength…

  • Champagne sailing

    Champagne sailing

    Warm temperatures, perfect breezes, sunny skies and clear azure waters today drew out all the photographers and spectators to see what makes Quantum Key West such an iconic attraction for mid-winter sailing. The other draw of course is the competition, which today did not disappoint for Day Races 7 and 8 of the 52 SUPER…

  • An impressive win in Race 7 of the 52 SUPER SERIES at Quantum Key West for the defending 2012 champion Azzurra promotes the team led by Guillermo Parada to a clear one point lesd ahead of Ran Racing. Azzurra’s well timed start near the middle of the line was key to their slender lead at…

  • Time to apply the pressure?

    Time to apply the pressure?

    Postcard conditions are expected for this, the penultimate day of racing at Quantum Key West 2013 for the 52 SUPER SERIES, with a building NE’ly breeze which should reach 18kts during the afternoon. With the top two teams locked on the same points tally, Azzurra just ahead of Rán Racing on countback, this might be…

  • Quantum Key West is the 52 SUPER SERIES’ Tie Break City

    Top scoring boat across a great two-race day for the 52 SUPER SERIES at Quantum Key West, Azzurra have edged to the top of the leader board. But just just as Quantum Racing did after Day 1, their overall lead is only by virtue of tie break. Azzurra’s two second places in fantastic, puffy, shifty…

  • Azzurra lead after 52 SUPER SERIES perfect day

    The overcast sky of Race 5 broke into the sunshine for Race 6 of the 52 SUPER SERIES at Quantum Key West 2013, as Interlodge made a perfectly-timed mid-line start to take and hold the lead on this longer (2.2-mile leg) 5-leg course. Her strong start and superior upwind pace kept her clear of what…

  • Quantum Racing win Race 5 to share second overall

    A reasonably comfortable win in Race 5 for Quantum Racing, with owner Doug DeVos steering gives them a share of second place overall in the 52 SUPER SERIES at Quantum Key West 2013. But a one place gain on the final run, passing Interlodge for third place keeps Ran Racing at the top of the…

  • Rán Racing lead overall at Key West

    On the strength of a first place and a second on Tuesday at Quantum Key West 2013, Niklas Zennström’s Rán Racing team stepped clear of the 52 SUPER SERIES pack with a lead of two points over defending 2012 52 SUPER SERIES champions Azzurra. Ironically neither of the top two boats sailed an error free…

  • Breeze on for Day 3 for the 52 SUPER SERIES at Key West

    Just as it was forecast at the start of the regatta, so the winds at Quantum Key West 2013 have built day by day, and so Day 3 of the five scheduled racing days, looks set to be the windiest yet. For the 52 SUPER SERIES fleet, the N’ly winds of more than 20kts will…