Fair winds OLIVIER…

PUERTO PORTALS 52 SUPER SERIES SAILING WEEK will be an extremely difficult regatta for the French team on Paprec after the sad loss of their well loved and respected kite trimmer Olivier Camebourg. He passed suddenly and unexpectedly on August 11th. The thoughts and condolences of the entire 52 SUPER SERIES family are with the crew and Olivier’s family and friends.

Stephane Névé, project manager and long time close friend, notes,

“Olivier was a rare and precious person, his joy of life was contagious, his boundless enthusiasm breathed energy into everyone around him. He wasn’t just smart; he possessed a wisdom that went far beyond words. He knew how to listen, really listen, offering everyone sincere attention, had a kind look and an open heart. He was a faithful friend, a good listener, the one you could count on, whatever happened. We already miss your presence terribly, but we hope that your spirit, your kindness, and your joy continue to live in each of us. You left an indelible mark on our crew, of which you were one of the major players for ten years. We’re going to have to learn to function without you, to have a drink without you, to laugh without you, to race without you and it’s all going to be really difficult. We will be forever grateful to you for having shared a part of the journey alongside you.”