52 SUPER SERIES Fleet Warm Up In Valencia

Signalling that the 52 SUPER SERIES season really is just around the corner, six teams assembled this week in Valencia to shake off the winter rust and get down to an intense week of testing and training before the boats head for Galica.
Quantum Racing, Platoon, Phoenix, Alegre, Gladiator and Provezza have all enjoyed a real spirit of cooperation and collaboration this week, all the teams clearly recognising that lining up and testing against each other in something close to race mode is the best, most efficient means of benchmarking and making small improvements in advance of the five regatta season.
The circuit’s race officer Maria Torrijo set three practice race courses on Thursday in absolutely perfect conditions, sunshine and 20kts. For the record Quantum Racing won twice and Tony Langley’s Gladiator won one quite comfortably.
Gladiator has moved to Quantum sails and now has Andrew Escourt, one of Quantum’s designers on the crew which retains Paul Goodison as tactician while Ian Moore is on as navigator. A few changes to the Provezza line up are evident notably with Azzurra powerhouse Cole Parada on board.
Big question on the dock is who has new foils either in their armoury to be fitted in the future or already. It is understood Bronenosec has new foils but the boat is not active. Alegre were very quick and sailed 2,3,2 on Thursday. And one of the main focus points of the week has been testing sails before orders for the early part of the season have to be locked in.
There was a pause in proceedings on Wednesday night when King Marine hosted an excellent barbecue at their facility.
Quantum Racing’s coach James Lyne reported,

“It has been a good week, a good period to relearn some of the lessons we learned at the worlds. A lot of the fleet are testing new keel foils and sails, so it is great to get some indication of each boats performannce profile as well as Quantum. It’s been great to keep moving the sail and rig development forward and for us to see the fruition of Brett Jones and our speed team’s work on the design and rig concepts over this winter. And finally it is good to shake the cobwebs off and get some racing going before the first Super Series event of the year.”

CEO of the 52 SUPER SERIES Agustin Zulueta commented,

“Despite the very changeble weather at the beginning, Valencia always delivers and so we enjoyed fabulously sunny and very sailable conditions.  It was really good to see the fleet focussed and working hard to get ready for the start of the season in the new venue in Galicia.  We also had the opportunity to enjoy a friendly barbecue at the head quarters of King Marine one of our Technical Partners.  It was a great training week and as ever really good to see everyone smiling and motivated to start the new season.”

Pictures Copyright Keith Brash & Francesco Naglia