Quantum Racing On the Cusp in Croatia

(Saturday 26th May, Sibenik) – Quantum Racing stands on the cusp of their first 52 SUPER SERIES regatta in more than a year after posting a super consistent 1,3 on the penultimate day of the 2018 season opening Šibenik 52 SUPER SERIES Sailing Week.

The three-times circuit champions go into the final day with a nine-point lead over second-placed Sled. With their two second places, Takashi Okura’s posse of seasoned Kiwis on Sled matched Quantum Racing’s four points tally for the day to seize second position on the leaderboard from the world champions Platoon who slumped to a weighty 10th place in the second race.

This high level of consistency was especially elusive today on what transpired to be two different race tracks which both yielded fairly gentle sea breezes and very flat water. With Dean Barker steering, Quantum Racing have been good off the start line and so able to execute on the pre-race strategy. Their race win in the first contest of the day unfolded as per the near perfect blueprint. Start well, take the better pressure on the early left before taking the best available lane across to the right where the topography of the island to the right of the course delivers a beneficial lift.

The Quantum Racing team got the layline to the windward mark just perfect, and slipped around ahead of Sled who had to shoot the mark to get around. A clutch of boats overstood in the lifting breeze. At the finish line it was Quantum Racing, Sled, Platoon.

After a small delay waiting for the wind to refresh and the course to be moved, Tony Rey and the afterguard on Provezza recognised the better wind pressure on the left. Starting off the pin end, the new red boat was able to lead all the way around and score their first win on a new boat, which has so far frustrated periodically with mechanical gremlins associated perhaps with this being their first regatta. Sled were able to overhaul Quantum Racing to earn their second second place in a row.

“We have a few older hands on board and that has settled the team down a little bit. We are quite confident in how the boat is going and when you are confident in how the boat is going it makes easier for the guys at the back. But Ray Davies and Adam Beashel and Andre our navigator all did a great job today.” Explained Don Cowie, mainsheet trimmer on the Sled. 
“We are good mates and so we can give each other a bit of grief with nobody taking it personally!” Cowie smiles, “But we have sailed for a long time together, we have some good Kiwi guys but also guys like Robbie Naismith who has been around since Adam was a cowboy. Really it is a bit of a geriatric group really!”

Fellow Kiwi Barker is making a difference on the Quantum Racing, not least in the starting box. 

“You are always kind of living on the edge here, knowing it could easily be different. We have to keep working hard, executing well and punching out good results. The venue is tricky and a great challenge for all the sailors and the standard of the fleet is very, very high.” Says Quantum’s Barker.

Defending 52 SUPER SERIES champions Azzurra are getting their challenge back on track after a bogey pair of double 10ths early in the regatta. Over the start line in the first race they recovered to a ‘counter’ seventh before delivering a fourth in the second race and so now lie fourth overall.

Regatta standings after four days, including seven races:
1. Quantum Racing (USA) (Doug DeVos) (4,1,8,1,4,1,3) 22 p.

2. Sled (USA) (Takashi Okura) (12,3,1,8,3,2,2) 31 p.

3. Platoon (GER) (Harm Müller-Spreer) (1,4,3,5,7,3,10) 33 p.

4. Azzurra (ARG/ITA) (Alberto Roemmers) (3,10,10,4,2,7,4) 40 p.

5. Onda (BRA) (Eduardo de Souza Ramos) (2,7,5,3,10,6,8) 41 p.

6. Luna Rossa (ITA) (Patrizio Bertelli) (7,5,9,9,5,4,7) 46 p.

7. Provezza (TUR) (Ergin Imre) (5,9,4,7,12,9,1) 47 p.

8. Alegre (USA/GBR) (Andrés Soriano) (9,8,6,2,8,8,6) 47 p.

9. Paprec Recyclage (FRA) (Jean Luc Petithuguenin) (6,12,2,12,1,10,9) 52 p.

10. Phoenix (RSA) (Hasso/Tina Plattner) (8,6,11,6,6,11,5) 53 p.

11. Gladiator (GBR) (Tony Langley) (10(+2 PEN),2,7,11,9,5,12) 58 p.

12. XIO Hurakan (ITA) (Marco Serafini) (11,11,12,10,11,12,11) 78 p.


Santi Lange (ARG) tactician Azzurra (ITA/ARG):

“The first race today was maybe our best race because we were OCS and then caught up. Today we had some problems with the boat, some mechanical issues, but I am very happy I am starting to better understand more the boats so I am happy with that. We need to just keep sailing better and improve, that’s the reality.”

On Quantum Racing:

“They are just sailing good, starting good and arriving in the front to the top mark and when they are ahead it’s hard to catch them up. They just are sailing well. “

Eduardo de Souza Ramos (BRA) owner-driver Onda:

“We are improving day after day, and recognizing how to adjust the boat, and also how to work together as a team as it was our first times as a team and it’s going well we are very very happy. Today we had a small problem with the boat, a hydraulic problem which we were not able to solve during the second race, but it’s part of the game.”

On tomorrow:

“We expect to win both races and that’s it!”

On Robert Scheidt:

“He’s fantastic, just fantastic. I’ve known him for many many years, we sailed together in Farr 40s, years ago, and it’s always very very good to sail with him. We are always learning and he’s a nice guy and friendly with everybody, it’s very good to have him aboard. “

Peter Holmberg (USVI) helm Provezza (TUR):

“You know, we’ve been close a few times, but today we kept it together. We’ve been struggling with some equipment stuff still because the boat is brand new. So we’ve been touching the front of the fleet a few times. This time we kept it together. The crew stayed settled and the boat didn’t let us down, so it was good.”

On the team wining today but not looking too happy? 

“I still have the taste of a dead last from yesterday. We’re going to celebrate a little bit tonight, that was certainly a good one.”
“ It’s tough getting these boats up to speed when they are late being launched. For the crew it’s a little frustrating having things holding us back, so it’s been a little frustrating at times, but the boat is great – once we keep her on track without any breakdowns, she’s doing really well.”
“ This is the first regatta of the year, so there is obviously a little bit of rust there. We didn’t get to do PalmaVela like everybody else. So it’s frustrating for us because it’s our first warmup, and practice, and regatta of the year, so we’re trying to get it all done in one show.”
“ Long term, we feel good. You have to take it all into perspective. Keep our frustrations in check, but be grateful some of the great signs we are seeing from the boat. We’re looking forward to the year.”

For full results, visit: http://bit.ly/2IGhEE1
To watch the race again, visit http://bit.ly/2e6o3tR.

The Sibenik 52 SUPER SERIES Sailing Week will take place from 23-27 May. State-of-the-art live boat tracking technology will allow 52 SUPER SERIES fans to follow their favourite teams. Shows start 15-minutes before racing, and can be enjoyed via the 52 SUPER SERIES homepage – www.52SUPERSERIES.com – or via the app. Never miss a beat.