Race 6 – Interlodge Strikes Again

When you’re good, you’re good. Interlodge helmsman Ian Walker and tactician Andy Horton wasted no time in getting the second win for their new boat. For the first time in this regatta we saw a large group of boats battle for the committee boat end of the line. Brononesec emerged from that scrum unscathed while others, including Gladiator, Provezza, and Quantum Racing, found themselves with unenviable lanes off the starting line. Sled, Azzurra and Platoon took advantage of the space down by the pin to charge off the line and make a beeline for the left corner. Initially this appear to be the right call, but it was a case of too much of a good thing as the wind shifted so far to the left that Sled, Azzurra and Platoon were all quite overstood, while Interlodge, which had started toward the middle of the line and played the leg more conservatively, was able to close back and round as part of the leading foursome. Bronenosec squirted into the lead at mark one, followed closely by Interlodge. At the second windward mark those two boats were overlapped. Bronenosec blinked first, jibing away shortly after the rounding. It’s a decision the Russian boat would come to regret as Interlodge sailed to a comfortable win and Platoon, which finished 10th in the first race of Day 3, was able to right its ship somewhat with a second.

For full results, visit: http://bit.ly/2j0huOt
To watch the race again, visit http://bit.ly/2iJKxkS.

The Quantum Key West Race Week will take place from 16-20 January, with races starting at 11:00 every day. Watch all of the action LIVE at www.52SUPERSERIES.com or via the app.