CONGRATULATIONS to Quantum Racing for winning the 52 World Championship

CONGRATULATIONS to Quantum Racing for winning the 52 World Championship! Azzurra came close to knocking them off the top spot, closing the point gap progressively over the last few races, but were unable to execute fire the killer bullet they needed to take down the american-flagged team. Provezza take their first win of the season, Azzurra finish in second overall, Provezza in third.

Finishing in fifth place on the last race with nearest rivals Azzurra behind them, Doug DeVos’ Quantum Racing win the 2016 52 World Championship title. It is the fifth time since 2008 that the American team have won the worlds.

Paul Cayard steered Phoenix to a big win in the tenth, final race of the World Championship in Menorca with Andy Soriano’s Alegre in second.

Ergin Imre’s Provezza took third place in the last race after inflicting a penalty of podium rivals Rán Racing and so the Turkish-flagged crew finish third overall for the second successive year.

A full round up the day, and of the entire regatta, will be made available shortly.