2016 Audi Settimana Delle Bocche – Race 7 Update

Rán Racing won the second race of the day, their first victory of the 2016 season, and so lie just two points behind Quantum Racing going into the final day of the Audi Settimana delle Bocche regatta. Rán Racing nailed a difficult, shifty first beat and led Platoon and Sorcha at the first mark. Quantum Racing started early and were 10th at the top mark first time up. Sorcha got through Platoon on the second beat while Quantum Racing staged a characteristic recovery to fourth place. So Rán Racing win Race 7, Sorcha second – their best finish yet – and Platoon get third. Quantum Racing top the regatta table by two points ahead of Rán which has sailed 2,2,4,1 from the last four races.

For full results, visit: http://bit.ly/28SrKoo
To watch the race again, visit www.52SUPERSERIES.com/LIVE and click “Historical Data”.

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