2016 Scarlino Cup – Race 5 Update

Bronenosec took the lead at the top end of the long first windward led, rounding of Sparviero Island, and never looked back to take their first gun of the 2016 season. After a tense battle for second place, Alegre managed to overtake Azzurra and fend them off for the second slot.

After the Sparviero Island rounding, it was a rich-get-richer course, descending downwind into stronger wind pressure on a circuit that offered few passing lanes. Alegre and Azzurra also profited at the top end of the beat for the final mile to the island turn by staying slightly offshore where there was a more solid breeze. The boats inshore lost out slightly. At the rounding it was Bronenosec, Alegre, Azzurra, Quantum Racing and Platoon.

Provezza shaped up beautifully on the pin but hooked the ground tackle of the mark boat which they towed upwind momentarily. They sorted their problem quickly and recovered to a useful sixth.

For full results, visit: http://bit.ly/247lYzh