Platoon on the attack

Harm Muller Spreer’s Platoon won the first of today’s two windward leeward races. With the sea breeze puffing up as expected to 18kts at times to provide some great, testing downwind sport and corners which put a bit more pressure on the teams.

Platoon lead off the pin end of the line, shooting the buoy to gain the key position but then driving off with good upwind speed. Sled started well off the boat end of the line and these two were clear first and second around the top turn.
Azzurra did well to gain to third to conmsolidate their position at the head of the leaderboard. Quantum Racing had a poor start, rallied well and were challenging for third to fifth places, but had to take a penalty on the final 400 metres of the last leg to the finish losing two boats to finish 10th.