Bronenosec’s coastal success gives a share of lead.

From a long and physically testing 31 miles coastal race around Spargi and Spargiotta islands, Vladimir Liubomirov’s Bronenosec took a comfortable win ahead of Provezza to earn a share of the regatta lead with Quantum Racing.

With the SE’ly breeze topping 16 to 18 kts at time but still quiet in the lee of the islands, Bronenosec lead around the windward mark and was over 90 seconds ahead as the fleet entered the channel to La Maddalena. Provezza made a good gain down the first run and were able to hold second all the way around the course which saw a run to the islands and beat back.
Quantum Racing kept their share of the lead with a fourth place behind Provezza and Platoon, but with two wins back to back the Russian flagged team lead the Week of the Straits on countback.