Win for Azzurra … but will a 5 point lead do the trick for Rán?

While Azzurra won race ten after a great start off the pin end of the start line, a close finish between fifth placed Alegre and Ran Racing in sixth ensures Niklas Zennstrom’s crew go into the final race of the regatta holding a five pts lead.

In the light sea breeze of 7 to 8kts Azzurra and Alegre started best off the pin. Azzurra showed good upwind speed and worked the left to round the top mark ahead of Quantum Racing and Sled. Ran struggled very slightly off the start on the right and rounded the top mark in ninth. When Alegre erred right on the next beat Ran Racing came right back at them from the left and chased their rivals’ stern round the last turn.
Azzurra’s win takes them to withing one point of fourth while Alegre and Sled in second and third are just one point apart.

Match point to Ran Racing