Rumble Time

Valencia’s dockside in front of the famous Veles e Vents building was positively buzzing this morning as the 52 SUPER SERIES fleet prepared to head out for the first races of a new season which sees nine brand new boats line up today within the most competitive fleet this circuit has seen since it was formed in 2012.

Of the twelve boats here, 11 of them are new this season for the crew. Along with the nine new builds are three 52s which are established, 2011 designs new to their teams.
Practice races – formal and informal – over previous days suggest speeds now are very even through the fleet and anyone could win the first races of the season. Winds are due to be brisk -13-18kts to start with but are forecast to drop away to 10kts. The NE’ly direction means there will be some small, awkward chop. Racing starts 1300hrs with live coverage on Let battle commence.