Rán Restore Their Regatta Lead

Ran Racing bounced back from a disappointing day Thursday to score second best of the 52 SUPER SERIES fleet today. A fourth and first against Alegre’s 8,9 turns the tables on this morning’s event leaders and now it is Niklas Zennstrom’s crew who go into the final day with a lead of six points.

In the 12-14kts of seabreeze conditions Zennstrom’s start to Race 9 was one of their sweetest yet, off a mid line position with excellent speed. Within minutes they had control of the fleet. Ergin Imre’s Provezza had a good first beat to round second.
Andy Soriano’s Alegre team did not get off the line well, taking sterns to find a lane of breeze. They took a couple of places down the last run but ninth and eighth for the day means the final day advantage will be with Ran. Sled were the best scoring team of the day with 1,3 to cement themselves into third for the meantime but just four points ahead of Azzurra who dropped from fourth to eighth because they had to take a penalty for a windward mark infirngement.