Day 2 
– Sunshine and seabreeze, normal Valencia service.

The nerves and high anxiety of the first day of the season when all the new boats were properly competition tested, today it is back to normal business.

The boats are becoming more familiar, more of a known quantity and from that point of view the crews head out to the Valencia Malvarrosa beach race area anticipating sea breeze conditions which are like a home game for the legions of ex America’s Cup sailors. 
Rán have just a small lead over Alegre with Provezza on their heels. But it is all incredibly close after just two races. The expectation among the fleet is very much that anyone can step up and win a race and there may be diferent regatta winners from each of the first events this season.

Steve Hayles (GBR), navigator on the Ford Vignale Valencia Sailing Week leading Rán explained:

It will be a typical Valencia sea breeze day, 12-15kts, it has built pretty early, so a very typical sea breeze yesterday was a standout, different day so I think we have this for the next three or four days. It will be nice.
Steve Hayles, navigator, Rán Racing