Sled win Race 2

Race winners twice in Miami earlier this year, Takashi Okura’s Sled team won Race 2 of the ZENITH Royal Cup MARINA IBIZA regatta after they took the lead on the first run.

The breeze was slightly stronger and more right than for the previous race and it was Quantum Racing which lead around the top mark. After a good start off the pin end Azzurra were penalised for a port tack crossing with Gaastra Pro which required them to make a turn, dropping them from contention.
Second at the top mark Sled found a profitable shift out to the right, offshore down the first run which allowed them to pass the leeward gate just ahead of Quantum Racing. Provezza did well down the run too rising to third. And that was the finishing order through the line, Sled scoring their first win in Europe on the BARCLAYS 52 SUPER SERIES.