Quantum Racing win Race 1

Although Rán Racing lead through the leeward gate and up the second beat, it was the Barclays 52 SUPER SERIES circuit leaders Quantum Racing which won the first race of the ZENITH Royal Cup Marina Ibiza regatta off Ibiza.

In a light, shifty breeze it was Quantum Racing which made the best start off the pin end of the start line, despatching the attentions of Gladiator which then had to start off the second rank.
At the first WW1 mark Quantum Racing lead Rán Racing with the duo all but overlapped. Phoenix baled out from their approach in the final seconds and had to turn a full circle to round sixth.
On the first run Rán Racing made their small speed edge in the 7-9kts breeze count and they were able to lead Quantum Racing through the leeward gate, but half way up the next beat Terry Hutchinson read the shifting breeze better, picking up a little right hander which got them back through Rán Racing to post the first win. Azzurra took third, Sled fourth and Gladiator stole fifth on the finish line.