Hotter than ever

The hottest day of the Copa del Rey MAPFRE and also potentially the breeziest. That is the forecast for this penultimate day of the regatta. Day 5 is one to make sure that the performances don’t slip as fatigue perhaps becomes an issue.

Rán Racing are trying to reel Quantum Racing back in, seeking to overturn a six points deficit and Rán Racing’s Adrian Stead remarks:

For us it is vital to be as ready and up for it at 1530hrs tomorrow if the race officer is setting off a race then as we are on Day 1. This is a long regatta and it is important to keep our focus. The objective is to be snaping at Quantum Racing’s heels to be in a position to win the regatta tomorrow.
Adrian Stead, tactician, Rán Racing

Rán Racing in turn have Azzurra just three points behind and the Yacht Club Costa Smeralda team are looking to finish strongly after a slightly disappointing Thursday. 
The breeze is forecast to be up to 16 or 17 kts and the Barclays 52 SUPER SERIES fleet are again racing on the Charlie course are, the most easterly arena.