Advantage Quantum Racing

From a thrilling head to head duel in 18 to 20kts of adrenalin pumping racing conditions Quantum Racing won Race 4 of the US 52 Championship to retake the overall lead from rivals Azzurra.

Up the first beat the two were only 10 metres apart for most of the leg. Azzurra protected their rights at the top mark and Quantum Racing had to take a penalty.

Azzurra held a slender advatantage up to the top of the second beat where they erred more right which let Quantum Racing in at the turn. Azzurra’s kite hoist was marred by a late pull on the tack line which let their kite balloon out to leeward.
The error let Quantum Racing surf away to an unchallenged win. Interlodge with Dean Barker steering came back from an OCS start to take a good third place, just ahead of Ran Racing.

Conditions were easily the best of the season so far and three races should be accomplished today.