The Coastal Race is on!

Coastal race day is a tradition for the Copa del Rey Mapfre and for the 52 SUPER SERIES at this 32nd edition is no different. The course is only close to start time, once the race committee have appraised what the breeze is doing and how the forecast is shaping up.

So far this season there has been just the one coastal race – earlier in the month at the Royal Cup Marina Ibiza – when it was Gladiator which won.

Today there are a choice of three courses using the full width of the Bay of Palma, most using the Islote de la Sech in the west of the bay as the main turning mark. This time there should be some reaching legs which will might allow the A3 asymmetric gennakers to get an airing at last. In Ibiza it was very much an upwind-downwind course but the race team here set two or three variable marks which are announced to the teams as they approach the prior mark allowing flexibility to optimise the course length and orientation.

The options are not known at the moment but the course distance should be around 25-30 miles. There are three options. The forecasts show only light winds, raceable, but light 7-9kts.
Says Bruno Zirilli, navigator of Azzurra.

Quantum Racing go on the water with a lead of one point ahead of Rán Racing.