Quantum Racing keep the pressure on

After a thrilling final high speed duel down the last run of the day which saw Quantum Racing just get the better of Azzurra, once more the Italian team’s lead is cut to two points.

With the wind still peaking over 20kts and short, steep seas and an awkward swell, although Quantum Racing started well it was Azzurra which were able to dictate terms on the second half of the beat.
Meantime Ran Racing used the best of the left to lead around the top mark ahead of Gladiator, and they ran out clear winners.

But down the last run there was nothing to separate Azzurra and Quantum Racing. The advantage swung back and forth with each gust or wave set until Quantum gybed away. It was down to the final gybe and the American team came out with pace and acceleration while Azzurra stalled to end up third behind Quantum.
With Ran winning, Niklas Zennström’s crew lie third two points behind Quantum Racing going into the final day of racing at the Conde de Godo Trophy.