Hey! Ho! Let’s Go….52 SUPER SERIES goes live in Barcelona

As the 52 SUPER SERIES fleet left the dock at the RCNB this morning the sun was shining, the mercury was already rising after a few chilly days of preparation and the air of anticipation hung heavy in the air. After several days of informal practice and yesterday’s official training race today sees the first races of the European season for the 52 SUPER SERIES.

The seven boat fleet left the RCNB marina early, seeking to ensure that the teams have ample opportunity to learn what idiosyncrasies there are in the wind, looking to discern any obvious trends and make sure everything on board is ready to race from the very second the first start gun sounds.

The Conde de Godo trophy regatta itself is one of Spain’s biggest, most renowned early season events. It offers the IRC and ORC classes and smaller one designs three days of racing but the 52’s, Wally and Soto 40’s start today with up to three races planned. Ed Reynolds, Team Director of Quantum Racing sums up

It is a big day with the start of the European season and for me I am intrigued to see how it all comes together for our team. I think we will be pretty good but it is interesting to put three skippers together on a boat. They have to learn their roles and so these past few days have been very valuable. The three guys we have are all mature and have achieved just about everything you could want to achieve in the sport, so I don’t think I have any worries. I think they are all getting along better than even they thought they would. I think it will be pretty strong. I don’t think it will be perfect but it will be pretty strong.

I think today it will build all day today. I think we have moved closer to Azzurra and Rán Racing.
Ed Reynolds, Quantum Racing