RACE 6: Azzurra extends lead

From a spirited pre-start duel which saw both protagonists drive through the media and VIP fleet, using the spectators craft to break cover, it was Audi Azzurra Sailing Team which were able to execute something closer to their preferred start after shutting the door on Ed Baird’s team which started late at the committee boat end of the line.

Audi Azzurra were just affected by Audi All4One’s better start and within a few minutes had to tack away. They made a tight tack on the face of Quantum Racing, the afteguard of the American boat raising a protest flag which was met with a green flag by the umpire. That forced Quantum Racing to the right and they rounded the top turn in third. But on the first run they lost out to both Ran and Gladiator, rounding the leeward gate in fifth.

They recovered two places at the top end of the final beat, finishing behind Audi ALL4ONE at the line. Two races left for the season and the match racing is only likely to intensify. With the advantage now with Azzurra they simply need to keep Quantum behind them to be sure of their first season title.