RACE 4: Azzurra, again!

In brighter sunshine condtions, lumpy swell and 11-13kts of SE’ly breeze, the now customary pre start duelling between the key protagonists for the 52 Super Series, Quantum Racing and Audi Azzurra Sailing Team saw the Italian team win their preferred pin end of the start line.

In contrast a late call from Quantum Racing found them mid-tack with their bow over the start line when the gun went. Having to re-start proved costly initially but they stuck to their task and sailed a good second beat which got them into contact with second placed Ran.

When Niklas Zennström’s team got a caramel, a twist in their kite as they hoisted at the final weather mark, it was a chance for Quantum Racing to gain, sailing a good final run to stay just ahead of Audi All4One which maintained their consistency with a third. Gladiator pipped Ran to the line to take fourth.