Light winds finale for the Audi Valencia Cup

It’s a fact that the overall places for the 52 Super Series are mostly settled, today will be about crossing the T’s and dotting the I’s, opening or closing a few more points on the opposition if that chance arrives.

In the Audi Valencia Cup rankings the key duel on the water is for the third step on the regatta podium. Quantum Racing have one point in hand over Rán.

Winds are likely to be only light, and so far the crews are held ashore. With a slow build sea-breeze anticipated and just the one race there is no big rush to get out on the water. Race officer Maria Torrijo says that her idea is to wait, but she is confident that there will be enough wind to get a race going.

The forecast is for 4-6kts around the scheduled 1300hrs start sequence, but by 1500hrs that has built to 11kts. But the regatta rules prohibit a start sequence after 1500hrs

For sure later will be better. In fact the best will later in the afternoon, but it will be light and we should get a race away.
Confirms Gladiator’s navigator Michele Ivaldi