Little changes make big differences

While Doug De Vos’ team have a lead of three points over the duo which are locked on 5pts apiece, Audi Azzurra Sailing Team and Gladiator, RÁN did not have such a good opening day with their two fourth places:

Juan Vila, navigator aboard Quantum Racing reminds us that the science of forecasts and monitoring trends is all well and good, but watching to see what is happening on the water, looking for the puffs and the wind holes is what is winning and losing races so far in these light conditions:

We should see just a little stronger breezes than we had yesterday, not very strong maybe 10 knots, settled in the SE. We are pretty happy. Yesterday was always going to be pretty light and the forecasts had the same trend but I think it is also important what you can see on the water in these wind speeds. It just takes a little puff for a boat to make a big gain.
Juan Vila

We should see it in for midday or around then, a bit more right than we have seen at 90 degrees, something like that. It is important that races are fair and so we have to be careful if we are trying for three races and the wind is dropping late afternoon, that it does not get crazy.
Bruno Zirilli, navigator on Audi Azzurra Sailing Team